Watercolor Daffodils with Paul Foxton

Watercolor daffodils today and aren’t they perfect if you need cheering up! The wonderful Paul Foxton is continuing his livestream painting sessions during the corona virus lockdown and I managed to actually catch him live and be organized enough to get the reference photo printed out in readiness.

I think I really quite like this one. It has an ethereal quality to it that I like and considering that daffodils are really hard to paint it was pretty successful.


Charles Reid Workshop 2015 – Day 7 Painting 2


This one was a ‘throw caution to the wind’ affair.   After the first rather tight rendition of the flowers I wanted to see if I could inject a bit more energy into things.   It was *really* tough and I didn’t know what the hell I was doing most of the time.   It’s not perfect but I’m definitely moving the dial a little.

Charles Reid Workshop 2015 – Day 7 Painting 1

I don’t seem to have a photo of the setup for this one.  I’m getting sloppy.

Anyway – I tried a couple of different things in this painting.  First – less water and more paint.  In fact more paint than I could reasonably think I need.   Second – I worked the flowers a little more than I would normally to see if more detail would improve them.   The first change wored well I think – things aren’t washed out and things pop.  A little garish maybe but I’ll take it.

The flowers didn’t work out so well.   Too fussy but you never know unless you try.