This one (from one of Paul Foxton’s references and live streams) was the more succssful one. The next one we’ll be doing in class and I hope to make a better job of it.
Tag: Flowers
Poppies Watercolor Video Demo

I have a new lighting and camera setup in the studio and so it had to be tested and what better than a couple of poppies. I started by breaking down the blooms into light and shadow and then layered over the subtle crinkles of the poppes. Tried very hard to not overwhelm the overall lights and shadows otherwise all is lost and any three dimensionality evaporates. The background foliage went in in two layers and a used the darks to bring the petals forward and define the overall shape of the flowers. Just about got away with it and managed to stop fiddling before everything was ruined.
There’s also a video of the whole thing in all the gory detail.
Three Roses

So what do you think of this? I can’t decide. We started this in class but I hadn’t realized how hard this was and there was a vote to abandon it. I finished it off yesterday and can’t work out whether I really like it or think it’s terrible.
Oil Daffodil Study

Still wrestling with the oils and doing a couple of still life studies with Paul Foxton’s Threads group. Slowly getting there.

Daffodil Value Study
A real toughy today. Painting along with Paul Foxton on a daffodil value study in oil. Much much harder than it looks.
Bouquet of Red Roses Watercolor Painting
The subject was roses today and although the result is just a sketch I’ve finally got back into the swing of things.