This subject is the old mill in Aldeburgh and the reference came from I thoroughly enjoyed doing this one. I even don’t mind the bleeds and the patchy sky. I combined things I’ve learned from Charles Reid and John Lovett. I used the local color darks first Reid approach for the building and the rough brush Lovett approach for the trees. I think it came out rather well.
Old Mill Watercolor

I think this turned out great! the sky is fine and the blotches add character. nicely done. (found you on the 30 in 30 challenge). glad I did!
Nice post, and a STUNNING work of art!!!
I like it much better than the photo. Beautiful. It's obvious you are a great student. I love it!
Much better than reality I'd say.
I just discovered your blog while searching for watercolor sketchbook examples.
I am undecided about painting in a book or single sheets.
Hi Rachel – thanks for the comment and I hope your challenge is going well. I'm with you – I'm starting to like the blotchiness.
Thanks Sue.
Ha – a bit long in the tooth for a student but I appreciate the sentiment.
Thanks Meda. As for books/single sheets I'm a big fan of the blocks where the pages are glued down at the edges so they don't buckle. My paintings fail too often to work well in books.
That's exactly my point. I make myself a beautiful book and ruin it with an ugly picture. But it also doesn't make me happy having them all scattered around on single pages.
This is a beautiful painting! LOVE your use of color and the fluid movement of the paints!
I hear you. I don't know what the solution is. I even have sketchbooks 'for best' and sketchbooks for everything else which is verging on the ridiculous. I know that putting things on the blog is like having a book – I can record everything (well almost everything) I do and have it all in one place.
Really great. I love the looseness!
The challenge went well for me, I learned so much but fell off the wagon toward the end. I love reading your thoughts on the process. they really reflect how I felt about the process.